intersection onediscarded materials and organic waste at a point of convergence / photographed in locations found.intersection twodiscarded materials and organic waste at a point of convergence / photographed in locations found.intersection threediscarded materials and organic waste at a point of convergence / photographed in locations found.intersection fourdiscarded materials and organic waste at a point of convergence / photographed in locations found.intersection fivediscarded materials and organic waste at a point of convergence / photographed in locations found.intersection sixdiscarded materials and organic waste at a point of convergence / photographed in locations found.intersection sevendiscarded materials and organic waste at a point of convergence / photographed in locations found.intersection sevendiscarded materials and organic waste at a point of convergence / photographed in locations found.intersection eightdiscarded materials and organic waste at a point of convergence / photographed in locations found.intersection ninediscarded materials and organic waste at a point of convergence / photographed in locations found.intersection tendiscarded materials and organic waste at a point of convergence / photographed in locations found.intersection elevendiscarded materials and organic waste at a point of convergence / photographed in locations found.intersection twelvediscarded materials and organic waste at a point of convergence / photographed on location found.intersection thirteen discarded materials and organic waste at a point of convergence / photographed on location found. PreviousNext PreviousNext Portfolio Categories: projects. Post navigation ← lab reliquaries →